Showing posts with label linux. Show all posts
Showing posts with label linux. Show all posts

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Reinstalling GRUB 2

sekedar mengarsipkan, setelah semalaman me-resize dan menghapus partisi hdd di leppie, lhadalaahh..lha kok GRUB ikutan ilang..hadeehh...
alhamdulillah setelah mengikuti tutorial di link ini, masalah terselesaikan.
berikut ini kutipan yang sudah saya praktekkan sendiri di leppie :)

There may be times when a user needs to either move or reinstall a GRUB 2 installation. GRUB 2 needs to be reinstalled when a user is presented with a blank screen with only the word "GRUB", no prompt, and no ability to enter commands. This often happens when the MBR of the booting device is altered and GRUB 2 is removed, such as when Windows is installed after Ubuntu. Additionally, if a user cannot boot into an operating system at all, even using the rescue mode mode, a complete reinstallation of GRUB 2 may be necessary.

Reinstalling from LiveCD

If you cannot boot from GRUB 2 review the section Boot Problems and Rescue Mode. If a reinstall becomes necessary follow these instructions. Two methods are presented; both require booting from a LiveCD (Ubuntu 9.10, Karmic Koala or later version). If the first method does not work, follow the second method, which is more complex and contains more options and instructions.

SIMPLEST - Copy GRUB 2 Files from the LiveCD

This is a quick and simple method of restoring a broken system's GRUB 2 files. The terminal is used for entering commands and the user must know the device name/partition of the installed system (sda1, sdb5, etc). The problem partition is located and mounted from the LiveCD. The files are then copied from the LiveCD libraries to the proper locations and MBR. It requires the least steps and fewer command line entries than the following methods.

  1. Boot to the LiveCD Desktop (Ubuntu 9.10 or later).
  2. Open a terminal by selecting Applications, Accessories, Terminal from the menu bar.

  3. Determine the partition with the Ubuntu installation. The fdisk option "-l" is a lowercase "L".

    1. sudo fdisk -l
      If the user isn't sure of the partition, look for one of the appropriate size or formatting.

      Running sudo blkid may provide more information to help locate the proper partition, especially if the partitions are labeled. The device/drive is designated by sdX, with X being the device designation. sda is the first device, sdb is the second, etc. For most users the MBR will be installed to sda, the first drive on their system. The partition is designated by the Y. The first partition is 1, the second is 2. Note the devices and partitions are counted differently.

  4. Mount the partition containing the Ubuntu installation.
    sudo mount /dev/sdXY /mnt

    Example: sudo mount /dev/sda1 Note: If the user has a separate /boot partition, this must be mounted to /mnt/boot Note: If the user has a separate /home partition, this must be mounted to /mnt/home. Encrypted home partitions should work.

  5. Run the grub-install command as described below. This will reinstall the GRUB 2 files on the mounted partition to the proper location and to the MBR of the designated device.

    sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/ /dev/sdX

    Example: sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/ /dev/sda

  6. Reboot
  7. Refresh the GRUB 2 menu with sudo update-grub

  8. restart komputer dan masalah terselesaikan :)

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

universal USB installer (membuat linux bootable dari USB flashdrive)

bagi pengguna komputer yang tidak memiliki CD ROM akan kesulitan manakala ingin menginstal Linux atau sekedar booting menggunakan live-CDnya. solusinya adalah kita harus booting lewat media lain, misalnya Flashdrive. merilis freeware bernama Univeral USB Installer yang dapat mempermudah proses penginstalan linux dari file berformat ISO ke USB flashdrive untuk kemudian digunakan sebagai bootable media. software ini dapat digunakan untuk membuat bootable flashdrive dari banyak distro linux, termasuk diantaranya android dan DRweb Live CD.
dalam contoh kali ini saya menggunakan Dr.Web Live CD sebagai percobaan.
yiuuukkk mari dimulai...

langkah pertama, tancapkan USB flashdrive yang akan digunakan untuk sebagai bootable media, persiapkan file ISO dari Dr.Web Live CD, selanjutnya silahkan download attachment pada postingan ini dan ekstrak dgn winrar. dobel klik file exe hasil ekstraksi, akan keluar halaman pembuka sbb :

klik tombol "agree".

langkah kedua, ikuti step-step (ada 3 steps) yang tertulis pada interface software ini.
Step 1, klik dropdown menu dan pilih distro linux yang akan dijadikan bootable flashdrive, pada contoh ini saya memilih "try some other live linux ISO" karena Dr.Web Live CD tidak tercantum dalam list.

Step 2, tekan browse, dantentukan lokasi file ISO yang akan dipakai, selanjutnya klik tombol "open" seperti skrinsut dibawah ini.

Step 3,pilih drive letter (huruf yang menandai lokasi drive) pada USB flash drive yang akan digunakan sebagai bootable media (pada contoh ini Flashdrive saya memiliki drive letter N). selanjutnya centang pilihan "we will format (drive letter) as Fat32" untuk memformat flashdrive sebelum proses penginstalan.

setelah ketiga Step lengkap seperti pada gambar dibawah ini :

klik tombol "create", biarkan proses berlangsung sampai selesai dan tombol "close" muncul.klik tombol "close" dan USB flash drive kita sudah bisa digunakan sebagai bootable media.semoga berguna.

attachment saya buat 2 versi: versi uncompressed berekstensi exe untuk kebutuhan darurat hanya akan dipertahankan sampai 1 minggu, setelah itu akan dihapus (daripada dikira virus sama admin MP trus akun Mupengml di gusur).
versi compressed saya buat dengan kata kunci dan enkripsi nama file, agar admin kerepotan kalo ngintip isinya.....hehehehe. kata kunci untuk attachment yang ber ekstensi rar dibawah ini adalah "muhacakep".